
element(xbrli:measure)+=xfi:unit-numerator( $unit as element(xbrli:unit))

Last updated on 23-01-2008 at 00:00:00.

Returns either the measure elements that occur as children of the unitNumerator descendant of the unit in the case where a divide element occurs; otherwise returns the measure children of the unit.

XBRL 2.1 Section 4.8.4

OIM Status



Name Type Details
unit element(xbrli:unit) The unit for which to obtain the numerator.


Type: element(xbrli:measure)+

Returns either the measure elements that occur as children of the unitNumerator descendant of the unit in the case where a divide element occurs; otherwise returns the measure children of the unit.

Conformance suite

80103 xfi.unit-numerator testcase.xml [ download ]


Name Affiliation Email Start End
Geoff Shuetrim Galexy geoff@galexy.net 14-02-2008 at 00:00:00
Herm Fischer UBMatrix / Mark V Systems fischer@markv.com 23-01-2008 at 00:00:00


Name On Details
Herm Fischer 23-01-2008 at 00:00:00 Defined the function